Best Baby Products You MUST Have On Hand

I have a few friends who are pregnant and have been asking what kinds of things I use and don’t use. That got me thinking…so I decided to put together a few of my favorite  must haves

  • Mommys Bliss products: Before I even had my baby someone gave me a bottle of Mommys Bliss gripe water and said she swore by it when her baby was fussy. I have to say I love it but I used it mostly for my very hiccup-y baby. I’ve also discovered their constipation ease because yea I have one of those babies now. Their products are all natural, safe and effective. Can’t beat it. 
  • Dreft: This has been around forever and is probably one of the more well known baby detergents but the stain remover spray by Dreft is amazing! It gets out anything from food to poop!
  • Boppy: Another baby essential. I rarely used it for its purpose which is to put the baby on while nursing or feeding. I do use it more now as a kind of pillow for myself to prop up on while I lay down so that I can nurse baby to sleep. Believe me, it’s got many purposes and worth it to have. Boppy is the brand name but there are millions of them out there with the same shape. Get whichever one you want. 
  • Bouncer seat: The uses for this are endless but I used it mostly from 3month and up. Some say their newborns loved it and used it to sleep in but my baby would only sleep in my arms <sigh>. Now I use it to feed him and put him in when I need my arms free. He’s getting too big for it now that he’s 7months which leads me to what he likes now….
  • Jumper: The jumperoo. We have 2 and he didn’t like either one until recently. Now that he’s more aware of his body and trying to crawl and walk he loves it. It’s perfect for when I need to do things around the house because I don’t have to worry about him falling out and it keeps him pretty entertained. His favorite is the Baby Einstein Neighborhood Friends Activity Jumper (shown below).
  • Burp cloths: I used these mostly when he was a newborn but now I use them when I feed him baby food and when I nurse. All purpose! The ones I have are from Target (shown below). Target has great baby items and brands. 
  • Swaddle blankets/baby blankets: These Aden and Anais swaddle blankets are perfect for the summer babies in the south. They’re lightweight and get softer the more you wash. Baby blankets are essentials. Throw one in your diaper bag because you never know where you and your baby might end up. 
  • Pacifier: Not every baby will take a pacifier but to those lucky mamas that do, it’s a necessity for naps and bedtime. Of course they tend to like only certain ones and that can be a pain but all I can say is trial and error. Your baby will let you know what he/she likes. Mine likes Mam (shown below) which you can find anywhere. I got these at Walmart. 
  • Teething ring: My baby started teething at 3 months so we had to get something to relieve the itch and drool. Not all babies like them so again try different ones and see what he/she likes. I got this one at Walmart
  • Diaper bag/backpack: Of course this is an essential because who knew such small creatures need so much stuff. My fave is from Timi and Leslie (shown below). I knew I wanted something that was functional but stylish as well. I also like the backpack version of diaper bags for when you’re walking more with the stroller or if you’re carrying/wearing the baby. This is next on my list to buy. 
  • Stroller: We received a Britax car seat as a gift so I looked for the compatible stroller to go with it. I love it. It’s perfect because my baby falls asleep 99.9% every time we get in the car so it’s easy to take the car seat and connect it right to the stroller with minimal disturbance. Believe me, if you’re not getting enough sleep making sure the baby stays asleep is key. 
  • Sling/carrier: Unfortunately I have yet to find the perfect carrier. I received 2 as a gift: The Baby K’Tan which is so complicated in my opinion and the baby was in it a handful of times. Exhibit A 👇🏽And the Infantino baby carrier 👇🏽Which I use more often now that he’s bigger. Neither one I could swear by but having one is definitely an essential and definitely on my list to find the perfect one. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear from you! And if I forgot something that is a must have for you, let me hear them! I’m always open to learning new things from other moms out there. 

Stay healthy and be well!!


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